5 Ways to make your metabolism speedy

movement - Womens Health

5 Ways to make your metabolism speedy

It is a known fact that what we eat and how we work out can actually speed up our body’s metabolism. So if you want to lose a few extra kilos, then by making a few little tweaks here and there will help you along your way and only add to a healthy lifestyle.

Eat well

When you eat plays a major role in metabolism. Breakfast is our most important and first meal of the day, after a good night’s rest (and eight hours of fasting), the body needs fuel, but if you skip out on breakfast, then your body will conserve energy by slowing down your metabolism. This is true for all your other meals, never skip out on healthy meals or snacks during the day, as it will only slow down your metabolism. In addition some foods have shown to increase your metabolic rate like lean protein, calcium, green tea, curry and dark chocolate.

Sleep well

Are you getting enough Zzzzz’s? Besides feeling exhausted, a lack of sleep can lead to several health problems, including weight gain. Not getting enough sleep each night doesn’t allow your metabolism to function properly, and instead your metabolism slows down. So make it your aim to get at least 8 hours a night sleep…doesn’t that sound heavenly!

Water well

Drinking water is rarely a bad thing, but it just got even better! A German study has shown that after only drinking 2 cups of water, the participants’ metabolism increased by about 30 percent. One of many reasons to hydrate with water.

Intense cardio

Rev up the body’s metabolism, by doing an intense 45-minute cardio sessions a few times a week. Whilst the researchers have varying opinions on what produces this increase in calories burned, most research leans toward the after burn effect, in which a period of intense activity causes the body’s metabolism to spike and burn off more fat than usual. Indoor cycle classes are a good way to do an intense cardio session.

Muscle power

Building muscle through resistance training helps give your metabolism an upward bump. Muscle burns calories at a higher rate than fat so working out those muscles will increase your calorific expenditure. Not only is resistance training good for your metabolic rate it also helps with your bone density and can be a preventer for osteoporosis.

So what’s stopping you from making a few small changes and being the best you!

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