
movement- Womens Health


If you think about it, everything you do in your life requires movement. It involves both the mental and the physical. So then it would make sense that if you improve your movement, then it should have a ripple effect in your life. Your brain and your body are always communicating with each other through sensory-motor cues. Everything we do is a complex interaction between the brain and the body. It’s a conversation. Every time we move we pump fluids, we have chemical reactions; we alter our bodies at a cellular level. Movement affects our musculoskeletal fitness, to your emotional and mental health. Movement is measured in a couple of different ways. How often do you move, being the quantity of your movement? And then there is and the quality of your movement, can you bend over and touch your toes, can you rotate your neck from side to side.

As we age our movement decreases. When you were a child you constantly moved, you ran, jumped did cartwheels, and even wriggled in your seat. In an ideal world, you should be still moving just as much. However, most of us don’t have this luxury of time and freedom to move like a child. So we tend to compartmentalise it and put movement into the “exercise” box which usually consists of a 45 minute to 1-hour session a couple of times each week. And while this is fantastic and is encouraged, it is important to be consistently active and keep moving beyond these sessions. You owe it to yourself to move!

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